Our organic farm is mainly oriented towards production of wine, oil and “Grani Antichi” (Ancient Grains).
The company is made up of vineyards, olive groves and arable land located on the hills of Florence in the municipalities of Montespertoli and San Casciano in Val di Presa, where different soils and optimal microclimates for quality agricultural production are appreciated.
The vineyards suitable for producing Chianti and IGT Toscano are cultivated with native varieties. Through careful and punctual agronomic practices and manual operations. The company therefore aims to obtain the maximum qualitative characteristics of the grapes that are fermented in the company, without sulphites and with native yeasts and enzymes naturally present on the grapes, giving rise
to well-characterized wines.
The olive groves are cultivated with traditional methods and organic fertilizations respecting the production capabilities of the plants. The olives, harvested from October to November, are taken to the mill in 20 kg boxes and pressed the same day, to avoid unwanted fermentation and oxidation. Cold pressing and extraction without adding water have the aim of maintaining the polyphenols present in the fruit in the oil.
The arable land is grown without the use of fertilizers and treatments. In the cultivation of Ancient Grains, respect for the three-year rotation is fundamental, i.e. the alternation of the cultivation of cereals with other species to respect the soil and of its fertility.